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Thank you very much for your lively responses to my first post on the Workshop Blog, Opening Statement . It is good to learn that participants are from diverse backgrounds and thus will bring a wide range of experiences into the workshop. My next question is about your expectations towards the workshop. Kindly click on About this Workshop and then read about the details of the workshop objectives and content. In order to add your .
Dedicated to save large carnivores. Christiaan van der Hoeven PhD. Lions in West and Central Africa. Cameroon, Nigeria and Tchad. Lions in West and Central Africa Read More. Lions in East Africa Read More.
A scientist, a businessman, a published author, and an international consultant. Welcome to the official website of Dr Roland Holou. Roland Holou is a scientist, a businessman, a published author. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Agronomy and his Master of Science Degree in Agricultural Engineering at the University of Abomey Calavi. in Plant, Insect and Microbial Sciences at the University of Missouri.
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C Ó Giollagáin and B. Lenoach, Ó Giollagáin and Ó Curnáin. Paul Bolger and Barry Devlin. Charles Dickens and Pádraig Ua Duinnín.